Završna konferencija projekta MEGAHR održana je 7. i 8. listopada 2021. Projektni tim na konferenciji je prikazao rezultate projekta, a izlaganja uglednih pozvanih izlagača poslužila su kao širi okvir za raspravu. Program konferencije dostupan je ovdje. Materijali korišteni u izlaganjima bit će dostupni na poveznicama u ovoj objavi, zajedno s video snimkama pojedinih izlaganja.
Plenarna izlaganja:
Anita Peti-Stantić, Mateusz-Milan Stanojević The Building Blocks of Croatian Mental Grammar: Constraints of Information Structure video
Marianna Bolognesi, Concreteness and specificity: Two variables involved in abstraction video
Peter Hagoort, The listening and speaking brain video
Ray Jackendoff, What is the form of the information that is transferred in language processing? video
Marco Marelli, Understanding the meaning of compound words: A compositional perspective grounded in linguistic and visual experience video
Petar Milin, What can be used from learning? video
Maria Piñango, A possible linguistically motivated processing infrastructure for an Information transfer system video
Izlaganja članova projekta MEGAHR:
A Curious Case of Third Person Auxiliary Clitic (Anita Peti-Stantić and Jana Willer-Gold) video
Processing SVO and OVS Word Order in Croatian: The Role of Prominence Features in Comprehension and Acceptability (Irina Masnikosa and Anita Peti-Stantić, University of Zagreb) video
Figurative Potential of Concrete Verbs in South Slavic Languages (Jelena Tušek, Anita Peti-Stantić, Ana Vasung, University of Zagreb) video
(Psycho)linguistic predictors of subjective age of word acquisition: Are there differences for words acquired in different developmental periods? (Gordana Keresteš, Mirjana Tonković, Anita Peti-Stantić, University of Zagreb) video
Contextualized rating reduces concreteness of nouns (Anita Peti-Stantić, Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, and Mirjana Tonković, University of Zagreb) video
Moving from static to dynamic computational word representations: predicting word concreteness in context (Nikola Ljubešić, Anita Peti-Stantić) video
The significance of specialized knowledge in rating concreteness in context (Maja Anđel, Anita Peti-Stantić, and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, University of Zagreb) video
Determinants of lexical decision times for nouns from the Croatian Psycholinguistic Database (Denis Vlašiček, Mirjana Tonković, and Francesca Dumančić, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb) video
Native language processing of cognates in general academic vocabulary in multilinguals (Vedrana Gnjidić, Marijan Palmović, and Anita Peti-Stantić, University of Zagreb) video
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