[invited lectures] project “Čitkaj”

Professors Anita Peti-Stantić and Gordana Keresteš held two invited lectures as a part of the project “Čitkaj” organised by the Kajkaviana association in the Year of Reading in Croatia.

One lecture was held for the teachers in the Krapina-Zagorje county and was organised by the Matija Gubec Elementary School in Gornja Stubica. (Zašto neka djeca teže čitaju i kako im pomoći [Some children do not read so easily – how can we help them?])

The second lecture was held for parents and other interested audience members in the Zabok city gallery (Zašto je djeci važno čitati od najranije dobi [The importance of reading to children from an early age]).



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[conference participation] Stalna na tom svijetu samo mijena jest. [The only constant in life is change]

Prof. Peti-Stantić presented a paper entitled Stalna na tom svijetu samo mijena jest [The only constant in life is change] at the conference Norma hrvatskoga standardnoga jezika u 21. stoljeću [The norm of the Croatian standard language in the 21st century] on 19 October 2021. 
The conference was organized by the Board for the norm of the Croatian standard language of the CASA (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts).
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[invited lecture] Znati(željom) do čitanja s razumijevanjem [Curiosity leads to deep reading]

Professor Anita Peti-Stantić held an invited lecture at the central conference on reading organized by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia. as a part of marking the Year of Reading in Croatia. 

The lecture entitled “Znati(željom) do čitanja s razumijevanjem” [Curiosity leads to deep reading] was held on 12 October 2021 in the National and University Library in Zagreb.

The conference programme is available here.

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[conference] The building blocks of information transfer in language processing

The final conference of the MEGACRO project was held on the 7 and 8 October 2021. Project members presented the results of the project and eminent invited speakers provided a broader background to the issues discussed. 

The conference program is available here.

The materials used in the presentations will be available below, together with the video recordings of the talks. 

Continue reading “[conference] The building blocks of information transfer in language processing”

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[workshop] Who needs books?

The first out of four workshops titled “Kome danas trebaju knjige? [Who needs books?]” was organized as a part of the project Zašto mladi trebaju čitati popularnoznanstvene tekstove, i to odmah? [Why young people should read popular science texts right now?].
This project is immediately connected to The national strategy to revive book reading (2017-2022) and to the Year of Reading in Croatia. 
There were over 500 attendees (160 teachers of various school subjects and over 400 students). Anita Peti-Stantić and Vedrana Stantić were the moderators of the workshop who spoke to Mirela Barbaroša Šikić and Anda Bukvić Pažin, advocates of reading and avid readers themselves. 
During the conversation about books and reading special attention was paid to excerpts from the books published with Naklada Ljevak [Ljevak publishing house] which have the intention to encourage young people to read popular science literature: 
Vedrana Stantić and Anita Peti-Stantić (2021). Znati(želja): Zašto mladi tebaju čitati popularnoznanstvene tekstove, i to odmah? [Why young people should read popular science texts, and why they should do it right now.]
Anita Peti-Stantić and Vedrana Stantić (2021).(eds.) Putovanje u nepoznato: Zašto se bavim znanošću i kako je došlo do toga? [A trip to the unknown: Why am I a scientist and how did I become one?]
The workshops are supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the Education and Teacher Training Agency of the Republic of Croatia, Ljevak publishing house [Naklada Ljevak] and the CSF project MEGACRO: The Building Blocks of Croatian Mental Grammar: Constraints of Information Structure.
The video recording of the workshop is available here

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[American Corner Zagreb] Putovanje u nepoznato [A trip to the unknown]

Professor Peti-Stantić was invited as a guest speaker to a talk about books and reading, particularly about reading popular science texts. The online meeting was held on 27 September 2021 as a part of the programme marking the International Literacy Day and the Year of Reading in Croatia.
The event was organized by the American Corner Zagreb and Zagreb City Libraries. Aleksandra Cvitković and Iva Klak Mršić moderated the conversation and active participation of attendees from various cities in Croatia, including elementary and high school students.  
Putovanje u nepoznato: Novi naslov donosi životne priče ...

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[invited lecture] Znati(željom) do čitanja s razumijevanjem [Curiosity leads to deep reading]

Professor Anita Peti-Stantić held an invited lecture at the 17th round table of the Croatian library association titled Osobe s teškoćama čitanja u kontekstu multikulturalnosti [People with reading disabilities in a multicultural context]. The conference took place on the 24 September 2021 at the National and University Library in Zagreb and on Zoom. 
The lecture titled Znati(željom) do čitanja s razumijevanjem [Curiosity leads to deep reading] can be downloaded here and seen on the Youtube channel of the Croatian library association (HKD). 

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[plenary lecture] Let us read to (and with) children so they do not lose their words: intellectual vocabulary of the youth

Professor Anita Peti-Stantić held a plenary lecture at the tenth international conference organized by Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek “Dijete i jezik danas: Čitanje u suvremenom okruženju [Children and languages today: Reading in contemporary context]”. The lecture was titeld “Čitajmo djeci i s djecom da ne ostanu bez riječi: intelektualni vokabular mladih [Let us read to (and with) children so they do not lose their words: intellectual vocabulary of the youth]”.

Conference programme is available here.


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[book launch] A trip to the unknown: Why am I a scientist and how did I become one?

The book PUTOVANJE U NEPOZNATO: ZAŠTO SE BAVIM ZNANOŠĆU (I KAKO JE DO TOGA DOŠLO)? [A trip to the unknown: Why am I a scientist and how did I become one?] edited by professor Anita Peti-Stantić and Vedrana Stantić is now in stores!

More than 30 Croatian scientists, both those with established careers and those who are at the very beginnings of their research paths, wrote about their work, motivation, and inspiration while addressing the youth in order to give them some insight into their lives as scientists and as people with various interests.

The authors featured in the book are (in the same order as their works are positioned in the book): Ivan Đikić, Pavel Gregorić, Aleksandar Štulhofer, Valerio Baćak, Ljiljana Fruk, Iva Tolić, Ivanka Jerić, Martina Manenica, Tomislav Portada, Ranko Matasović, Tvrtko Jakovina, Ivica Puljak, Ticijana Ban, Tena Dubček, Saša Ceci, Leonardo Štrac, Mirta Stantić, Andrija Štajduhar, Dubravka Švob Štrac, Vlatka Filipović Marijić, Ivana Novak Nakir, Vilma Dembitz, Danica Kragić Jensfeld, Kristijan Lucijetić, Katarina Smiljanec, Nikolina Šoštarić, Dora Grbavac, Vuk Vuković, Predrag Pale, Marina Ajduković and Igor Rudan.

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