Additional professional training and education

  1. Professor Anita Peti-Stantić (leader of the MEGAHR project) spent one week in Nijmegen (Max Planck Institute and Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging) in the Netherlands for the purpose of a study visit. Report on her study visit is available here.
  2. Vedrana Gnjidić participated in seminars and workshops at STEM V: Summer Training in Experimental Methods at the University of Lisabon (Faculdade de Letras, BabyLab), 4 – 6 September 2019.  Report is available here in Croatian language.
  3. Vedrana Gnjidić, a member of the project research group, attended a statistical course Practical Mixed Effect Regression Modelling for Psychology and Language Science; one of the courses organized as a part of the Radboud summer school in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 5 – 9 August 2019)                  Report is available here in Croatian language.
  4. Professor Anita Peti-Stantić (leader of the MEGAHR project) spent two weeks at the University of Oxford, the University College London and the University of Birmingham on a study visit in February 2019. While she was there, she prolonged the cooperation with professor Andrew Nevins (UCL) and professor Petar Milin (UoB) as external associates on the MEGAHR project and agreed on a new cooperation with professor Gabriella Vigliocco (UCL) and Marianna Bolognesi and Ana Werkmann Horvat (University of Oxford). Report on her study visit is available here in Croatian language.
  5. Irina Masnikosa, a member of the project research group, attended the International summer school Form-meaning mismatches in Natural Language  at the University of Göttingen (July 29 – August 10, 2018). Report is available here in Croatian langauge. 
  6. Professor Mateusz-Milan Stanojević spent two weeks at the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom) in September 2017 (a study visit to external project associate,  Petar Milin, PhD). Report is available here in Croatian language.

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