
    1. The third out of four workshops titled “Omogućuju li nam pametni telefoni da budemo pametniji?”[Do smartphones make us smarter?] was organized as a part of the project Zašto mladi trebaju čitati popularnoznanstvene tekstove, i to odmah? [Why young people should read popular science texts right now?]. The project is immediately connected to The national strategy to revive book reading (2017-2022) and to the Year of Reading in Croatia. There were over 300 attendees (teachers of various school subjects and students). Anita Peti-Stantić and Vedrana Stantić were the moderators of the workshop who spoke to professors Goran Šimić and Igor Rudan.

      The topics discussed included the digital media and the value of various types of information, the influence of extended exposure to digital content on mental health of the youth, and the challenges of modernity. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of excerpts from books which encourage reading popular science books (published by Naklada Ljevak [Ljevak publishing house]).

      Igor Rudan (2018). Zao zrak: razmišljanja o zdravlju i bolesti u 21. stoljeću

      Igor Rudan (2019). U zemlji klanova: razmišljanja o prilagodbi u 21. stoljeću

      Igor Rudan (2020).  Očekujući vatre: ramišljanja o izazovima u 21. stoljeću 

      Manfred Spitzer (2018). Digitalna demencija: kako mi i naša djeca silazimo s uma

      Manfred Spitzer (2019). Usamljenost : neprepoznata bolest : bolna, zarazna, smrtonosna

      Manfred Spitzer (2021). Epidemija pametnih telefona : prijetnja zdravlju, obrazovanju i društvu

      Goran Šimić i sur. (2019). Uvod u neuroznanost učenja i pamćenja

      Goran Šimić i sur. (2021). Uvod u neuroznanost emocija i osjećaja 

      The workshops are supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the Education and Teacher Training Agency of the Republic of Croatia, Ljevak publishing house [Naklada Ljevak] and the CSF project MEGACRO: The Building Blocks of Croatian Mental Grammar: Constraints of Information Structure.

      The video recording of the workshop is available here.

    2. The first out of four workshops titled “Kome danas trebaju knjige? [Who needs books?]” was organized as a part of the project Zašto mladi trebaju čitati popularnoznanstvene tekstove, i to odmah? [Why young people should read popular science texts right now?].
      This project is immediately connected to The national strategy to revive book reading (2017-2022) and to the Year of Reading in Croatia. 
      There were over 500 attendees (160 teachers of various school subjects and over 400 students). Anita Peti-Stantić and Vedrana Stantić were the moderators of the workshop who spoke to Mirela Barbaroša Šikić and Anda Bukvić Pažin, advocates of reading and avid readers themselves. 
      During the conversation about books and reading special attention was paid to excerpts from the books published with Naklada Ljevak [Ljevak publishing house] which have the intention to encourage young people to read popular science literature: 
      Vedrana Stantić and Anita Peti-Stantić (2021). Znati(želja): Zašto mladi tebaju čitati popularnoznanstvene tekstove, i to odmah? [Why young people should read popular science texts, and why they should do it right now.]
      Anita Peti-Stantić and Vedrana Stantić (2021).(eds.) Putovanje u nepoznato: Zašto se bavim znanošću i kako je došlo do toga? [A trip to the unknown: Why am I a scientist and how did I become one?]
      The workshops are supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, the Education and Teacher Training Agency of the Republic of Croatia, Ljevak publishing house [Naklada Ljevak] and the CSF project MEGACRO: The Building Blocks of Croatian Mental Grammar: Constraints of Information Structure.
      The video recording of the workshop is available here
    3. Webinar-workshop: Anita Peti-Stantić, Od čitalačke pismenosti do čitateljske sposobnosti. Mirela Barbaroša Šikić, Mogućnosti ovladavanja vokabularom – podrška učenicima u stjecanju čitateljske kompetencije, Nataša Kralj, Martina Horvat Kolar (Oblikovanje rečenica i teksta pomoću zadanih riječi u 6. razredu; Vježbe povezivanja i uvrštavanja u 6. i 8. razredu). 23 November 2020. Participants: teachers of Croatian Language (Međimurje county). MEGACRO and AZOO (Education and Teacher Training Agency).
    4. Webinar-workshop: Anita Peti-Stantić, Mirjana Tonković, Vedrana Gnjidić, 3 September 2020.  The structure of the Croatian language (vocabulary, text) and the development of reading competencies. Participants: teachers of Croatian Language (Virovitica-Podravina county, Požega-Slavonija county, Brod-Posavina county, Vukovar-Srijem county, Osijek-Baranja county). MEGACRO and AZOO (Education and Teacher Training Agency).
    5. Workshop: Strategies of vocabulary teaching for reading comprehension. Third module: Strategies of vocabulary teaching for reading comprehension, MEGACRO and AZOO (Education and Teacher Training Agency). Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb, 7 February 2020. Vocabulary-related tasks – practice tasks for studentsFeedback on vocabulary practice tasks (professor Keresteš), Tasks for vocabulary practice  (professor Peti-Stantić, Vedrana Gnjidić). 
    6. Workshop: Machine learning and language processes. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb. 6 December 2019. Lectures: 
      Petar Milin, PhD Artificial Neural Networks against Natural Language Ailments
      Maja Anđel, PhD Leabra – biologically plausible modelling algorithm
      Petar Milin, PhD A royal way to a headache: Complex research phenomena require complex statistical models (A gentle introduction to Mixed Effects Modeling)
    7. Anita Peti-Stantić, Gordana Keresteš and Vedrana Gnjidić, 4th workshop: Strategies for vocabulary teaching focused on reading comprehension: from structured vocabulary to structured text. Czech elementary school Jan Amos Komensky,  8 February 2019.
    8. Mirjana Tonković and Gordana Keresteš 1 February 2019, Methodology and ethics of empirical research in humanities and social sciences, project activity (Croatian Science Foundation project HRZZ-IP-2016-06-1210 The Building Blocks of Mental Grammar: Constraints of Information Structure. Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb (council room). Participants: project research group members, younger researchers, students
    9. Anita Peti-Stantić, Mirjana Tonković and Vedrana Gnjidić, 18 and 19 January 2019, Strategies for vocabulary teaching focused on reading comprehension: from structured vocabulary to structured text. Participants: teachers of Croatian Language (Varaždin county), elementary school students. Venue: “Novi Marof” elementary school, Elektrostrojarska high, Varaždin. Programme: two lectures, language games, psycholinguistic research.
    10. Anita Peti-Stantić, Gordana Keresteš, Vedrana Gnjidić, 3 January 2019, Strategies for vocabulary teaching focused on reading comprehension: from structured vocabulary to structured text. Participants: elementary school teachers and students (elementary schools in Nedelišće, Gornji Mihaljevec and Ivanovec). Venue: “Nedelišće” elementary school. Programme: two lectures, language games, psycholinguistic research.
    11. Anita Peti-Stantić, Mirjana Tonković, Vedrana Gnjidić, Ema Perišić, 23 November 2018, Strategies for vocabulary teaching focused on reading comprehension: from structured vocabulary to structured text. Participants: elementary school teachers and students. Venue: “Đuro Ester” elementary school, Koprivnica. Programme: two lectures, language games, psycholinguistic research.
    12. Workshop: Text structure and students’ vocabulary – an intervention: results analysis (second module: Strategies of vocabulary teaching for reading comprehension, MEGACRO and AZOO (Education and Teacher Training Agency). Venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Zagreb, 28 September 2018. Workshop plan  Workshop materials
    13. Workshop/seminar: Current results presentation and discussion about developing tools for improving students’ language and reading competences. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 20 April, 2018.  Workshop plan    Workshop materials
    14. Workshop: Processing statistical and corpus data and programming artificial neuronal networks. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 29 and 30 January 2018. Lectures:  
      Anita Peti-Stantić: Parallel architecture theory, information structure and psycholinguistic experiments
      Mirjana Tonković The basis of statistical analysis on the computer
      Nikola Ljubešić and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević Working with SketchEngine to create, process and search data in language corpora 
      Maja Anđel Artificial neuronal networks
    15. Presenting MEGACRO, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 6th of July 2017.
      Anita Peti-Stantić: Theoretical basis of the project: mental grammar, parallel architecture, and information structure 
      Mateusz-Milan Stanojević: Thinking about project results in cognitive linguistic terms
      Mirjana Tonković:  Thinking about project results in terms of statistics 
      Nikola Ljubešić: Initial experiments in using machine learning in predicting concreteness and relative frequency of lexemes in Croatian


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