Mateusz-Milan Stanojević

Mateusz-Milan Stanojević

Scientific Personal Identification Number: 254513

CROSBI: Mateusz-Milan Stanojević


I graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia with a BA in English Language and Literature in 1999, and was awarded a PhD in English linguistics from the University of Zadar, Croatia in 2009 (Diachronic Variation in Metaphorical Models: Development of a Research Method). I am currently Assistant Professor in English Language and Linguistics at the Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia (appointed in February 2012). From 2000 to 2012 I held the position of Teaching and Research Assistant at the same department.

I was awarded a library research scholarship to work at the University of Bergen, Norway (2002/2003), and the Fulbright Scholarship to do cognitive grammar research of the Croatian tense system with Stephen Dickey at the University of Kansas (January-August 2015).

My main research interests are in a variety of applied and theoretical linguistic issues. The applied issues include attitudes towards the pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca in Croatia and online teaching skills. My theoretical interests are in cognitive linguistics, especially the interface between structural and semantic factors, with particular reference to cognitive grammar of Slavic languages and conceptual metaphor (in English, Croatian and Polish). I have presented papers at conferences on these issues (some 40 conferences to date), published on all of these issues in a variety of Croatian and international refereed journals, volumes and books of proceedings (some 50 papers to date). I have edited and co-edited a number of volumes published in Croatia (Srednja Europa) and abroad (Peter Lang), and am the author of a book on conceptual metaphor published in Croatian (Konceptualna metafora: temeljni pojmovi, teorijski pristupi i metode (Conceptual Metaphor: basic concepts, theoretical approaches and methods), Srednja Europa, Zagreb 2013). I have refereed papers for a number of Croatian and international journals (Suvremena lingvistika, Jezikoslovlje, Journal of Slavic Linguistics, Teaching English with Technology, CALICO, Oslo Studies in Language, Language Sciences), and for Croatian and international publishers (Srednja Europa, Versita Publishers, John Benjamins).

I am a member of the Croatian Association of Applied Linguistics (CALS), the Croatian Philological Society, Societas Linguistica Europea, the International Association of Cognitive Linguistics and the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association. I served as a member of the Board of CALS (2010-2013), its Secretary (2012-2013), and President of the Supervisory Board (2013-2015). I have been co-organized several Croatian and international conferences (Croatian Applied Linguistics Conferences in 2012 and 2013; Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference, University of Zagreb, September 2012, Societas Linguistica Europea Conference, University of Split, September 2013).

I was a researcher on the project Theoretical Cognitive Linguistic Research of Croatian and other Languages, coordinated by Professor Milena Žic Fuchs, financed by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (2007-2013). I have been involved as project member and coordinator in a number of applied linguistic/teacher training projects dealing with integrating pedagogical skills and technological resources for practitioners involved in language teaching, all financed by the European Centre for Modern Languages: Developing online teaching skills (coordinator: Ursula Stickler; 2008-2012), Using open resources for online education (as coordinator, 2012 – 2013), and Use of ICT in support of language teaching and learning (co-coordinated with Martina Emke, May 2013 – September 2015).

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