Welcome to Croatian Psycholinguistic Database where you can search for 6000 words – 3000 from the Croatian language corpus, 1500 from the Croatian frequency dictionary and 1500 words excerpted from textbooks for the fourth, fifth and sixth grade of elementary school (Croatian language, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Geography, History).
Words are searchable by objective conditions such as word class, word length, gender, animacy/inanimacy for nouns and word frequency from the Croatian web Corpus hrWaC. In addition to that, words are searchable by psycholinguistic ratings of concreteness, imageability, subjective frequency and age of acquisition.
To find out which words have been incorporated into the database so far, click “all words”.
The database is searchable in two ways: you can search for all available data for one word but it is also possible to filter and limit the search and compare the acquired data for several words.
The database is downloadable from the following link.
or run a query (queries are only available in Croatian)
Croatian psycholinguistic database was developed (and is being upgraded) as a part of a CSF project HRZZ-IP-2016-06-121o THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF CROATIAN MENTAL GRAMMAR: CONSTRAINTS OF INFORMATION STRUCTURE lead by professor Peti-Stantić, PhD. Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Zagreb University, from the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana and from University College London are working together on this project.
The initial 3000 words in the Croatian Psycholinguistic Database consist of 1000 nouns and adjectives from the Croatian flective lexicon hrLex. The lexeme frequency was taken from the hrWac corpus. Considering the planned database scope, only the lexemes with frequency higher than 3000 were included in the database. The reason for such choice is the reasoning that the participants would not be able to judge the concreteness or imageability of words that are rare and that they do not know the meaning of. Such method resulted in excerpting 7695 nouns, 2849 verbs and 3124 adjectives. A 1000 lexemes from each word class were then taken by random choice.
For any additional information please contact professor Anita Peti-Stantić: anita.peti-stantic@ffzg.hr
Peti-Stantić, Anita et al. (2018). Hrvatska psiholingvistička baza (HPB). Projekt HRZZ-IP-2016-06-1210 Modeliranje mentalne gramatike hrvatskoga: ograničenja informacijske strukture.
Published scientific papers about the Croatian Psycholinguistic Database and its making:
Peti-Stantić, Anita, Maja Anđel, Gordana Keresteš, Nikola Ljubešić, Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, Mirjana Tonković (2018). Psiholingvističke mjere ispitivanja 3000 riječi hrvatskoga jezika: konkretnost i predočivost. Suvremena lingvistika.
Tušek, Jelena, Anita Peti-Stantić (2018). What is imageable and what is concrete in Croatian?, Conference proceedings CALS (Croatian Applied Linguistics Society) “Language and its effects”. Zagreb: CALS and Middle Europe.
professor Anita Peti-Stantić, PhD
Department for Southslavic languages and literature
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Lučićeva street 3
10000 Zagreb
Phone number: +385 (0)1 4092 275
E-mail: anita.peti-stantic@ffzg.hr
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